Traditional Arts Development, and more specifically Pete Heywood, worked with Joe Stead to publish his book ‘Ramblings of an Old Codger’. Sadly, Joe Stead sadly passed away in March 2017. The project was Joe’s project, but owing to his illness at the time, we set it up so that it could be ordered from this page.
Joe’s widow, Nora Stead, and Joes’ wider family are keen that Joe is remembered. Joe was very aware that he was writing a book which would be part of his ‘legacy’ alongside his various recordings and personal memories that his friends will have. Nora has given her approval for the book to be published, promoted and possibly further developed by me, Pete Heywood. I worked closely with Joe to publish the book, but saw it primarily as Joe’s project. Sales of the book will now be made under the umbrella of The Tradition Bearers, and depending on circumstances may also be supported by Traditional Arts Development, a community interest company.
If you need any help or have any questions, you can email me, Pete Heywood, directly – The processing of orders may take a few days – and possibly be even further delayed owing to restricted movements because of the current coronavirus situation. Please be patient.
The book is a large format book priced at £40. It is a physically large book and postal costs are substantial. The buttons below allow you to order the book including delivery charges to where you live. All payments are processed by PayPal – to ensure proper security – but you DON’T need to have a PayPal account to process any transactions. You can use any credit or debit card, but PayPal will handle the process securely.
Ramblings of an Old Codger (UK PRICE £46 – £40 plus £6 UK postage)
Ramblings of an Old Codger (EU PRICE £55 – £40 plus £15 European Union postage)
Ramblings of an Old Codger (WORLD PRICE £65 – £40 plus £25 Worldwide postage)