The show, with Jimmy Lee delivering his songs against a background of projected images, is emotional yet uplifting and first of all entertaining and gives an insight into life in the Navy for a young recruit in the years following WW2 – and much more!
Jimmy Lee took his first steps towards a music career in the embryonic London folk scene, existing by day in a shared house in Cricklewood, emerging by night alongside the passionate new wave of British acoustic aristocracy – Alex Campbell, Roy Harper, Gerry Lochran, Cliff Aungier, Johnny Silvo, Derek Brimstone, Ralph McTell et al. In that hallowed company he cut his performing teeth playing for beer and bed in the capital’s back street blues and folk clubs. From the early seventies it was the road, and even more road, and Jimmy’s unique interpretation of folk and country were being blended together into what we now know as ‘Americana’. Jimmy’s songs reflect upon a life full of twists and turns adventures and powerful emotions that run deep. Many of his songs are autobiographical and display an honesty that only a self-assured and unashamed person could reveal. Don’t miss this.